Arek Kouyoumdjian

Arek Kouyoumdjian (b. 1993, Paris) is a french artist who studied in the European School of Art and Design of Brittany in Brest and the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam. His artistic research takes multiple forms (drawings, sculptures, installations, photographs) and mainly explores our relation to cohabitation and collaboration when creating or sharing a common space.

 He uses a simple and recurrent vocabulary of shapes made of lines, rectangles, circles, which he believes to embody different relationships to the world, to others and to time (linear, circular, exploded/constellated), and he draws his influences from different fields such as history, music and cosmology, which allows him to establish visual resonances and associations of transversal ideas.

Having made the choice to be often on the move to facilitate contact with the «other», his installations are often accompanied by photographic projects that might act as mini-documentaries of the spaces crossed.

Inspired by Roland Barthes’ lecture «How to live together» given in 1977 at the Collège de France, he poetically questions the place of the individual within the collective, whether it gives rise to a conflictual, poetic, harmonic or dissonant relationship.

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